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TRIBTC - 90% Payout, Bitcoin Settled, Peer-to-Peer Binary Options Trading

TRIBTC is the world's first platform to offer Bitcoin settled, peer-to-peer binary options trading for cryptocurrency pairs.

TRIBTC`s transparent and innovative peer-to-peer trading system allows traders to trade binary options against other traders, either by directly placing trades on the platform, or by match trades other users place. Trades can be short-term or long-term, with trade duration from one minute to one month, or custom timeframes.

Read TRIBTC Broker Review:

Classic binary options platforms, where traders bet against the broker, are prone to fraud and hence banned by regulators in many jurisdictions. Many classic binary option outlets have been exposed as fraudulent, as they manipulate market index to generate losing trades, reduce profits, have predatory fees and practices, and do not honor withdrawals.

TRIBTC doesn`t bet against you, the payout for winning trades is always 90%, no KYC is required, funds are safely stored in cold wallets, maximum security and privacy are the house rules, you can share your trades on Social Media and invite of your friends or challenge other traders. Take advantage of TRIBTC's referral program and let your friends know about TRIBTC and earn 2.5% from the value of every trade they place.

Continue to Read - How to Place Trades on TRIBTC: http://binaryoptionsnodepositbonuses...ions-platform/


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