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منتديات التسويق والنشر

medicsey عضو نشيط

What is face lift in Turkey?
Face lift in Turkey (known as rhytidectomy) is a type of plastic surgery that improves the appearance of the face and makes it appear younger. This surgery focuses on distinct sections of the face to lift sagging skin contours to give a firmer, smoother appearance. Depending on your goals for surgery, a facelift can focus on lines and wrinkles near the eyes and cheeks, mid-face or jawline, mouth, and neck.
The Types of Non-Surgical Facelift in Turkey
Dermal Fillers for Volume and Contouring

Thread Lifts for Lift and Tightening
Radiofrequency and Ultrasound Treatments
How is a Midface Lift Performed?
A midface lift is performed by skilled plastic surgeons using advanced techniques. Midface lift incisions are strategically placed within the hairline or around the ears to provide minimal visible scarring.
How much does a facelift cost in Turkey?
Facelift costs in Turkey vary based on factors like clinic, surgeon, and extent of the procedure. Generally, prices range from $3,500 to $5,000, making it more affordable than in many other countries.
Why choose Medicsey in Turkey?
Discover a new horizon in medical tourism and all Inclusive treatment packages with Medicsey Clinic.
Our esteemed medical experts are dedicated to your well-being, delivering top-notch care and successful outcomes. We've redefined affordability, offering premier treatments at prices that won't compromise your financial peace.


الموضوع الأصلي : Face lift in Turkey, All Inclusive | Medicsey     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : medicsey

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