مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

medicsey عضو نشيط

Otoplasty in turkey is one of the operations concerned with modifying the shape of the outer ear. The main objective of these operations is to improve the shape and appearance of the ear, which leads to increasing the person's self-confidence. The methods used in otoplasty in Turkey include reshaping the cartilage of the ear, repositioning the ear closer to the head, and reducing the size of large ears.
It is natural for us to feel a great deal of concern for our appearance and to have a small part of our self-confidence according to the way we appear in front of others, many people resort to otoplasty in Turkey, because it gives the best results that satisfy the patient’s aspirations at a very reasonable ear pinning surgery cost in Turkey, and although the demand for this type of plastic surgery is the lowest among other types, there remains a percentage of people who need to perform otoplasty.
The problem may be in hearing, as the patient suffers from a blockage in the ears, at that time, he resorts to otoplasty in Turkey to re-flatten the ears on the patient’s head, and thus restore his hearing, and here he finds the only solution in ear surgery in Turkey.
The person who decided to do the surgery will have an aesthetic appearance.
When applied to children, psychological problems that may occur are prevented.
Ear surgery mostly gives positive results.


الموضوع الأصلي : otoplasty and ear pinning | MEDICSEY TURKEY     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : medicsey

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