مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

Ruwan sami عضو مميز

We The International Training Center and Consultation announce the beginning of reservation PUMPS & PUMPING SYSTEMS OPTIMIZATION course

Objectives :
By the end of this Pumps & Pumping Systems Optimization training course, participants will learn to:
• Make the adequate selection of various types of pumps based on the application
• Optimize the efficiency of operation of pumping systems
• Analyze the problems in operation related to seals, bearings and flow control
• Use the root cause analysis in detecting problems of pumping system & piping
• Apply the best practices for maintenance, problem solving & troubleshooting
target group :
• Mechanical & Process engineers working in petrochemical and process industry
• Technologists in Power Generation, Water Supply & Environmental Engineering
• Technical personnel who deal with piping and flow control systems
• Operators & Maintenance personnel
• Technical personnel in charge of inspection of pumping system

As we are glad to inform you that we implement different courses to all governmental and private bodies and entities
For further details about the content and prices , please contact me on
Mobile/whatsapp: 00201010509827
Email: ruwan@itcegy.com
Website: www.itcegy.com

Courses are implemented in the following countires :
(Turkey - Dubai – Malysia – (Egypt [ Cairo – Alexandria – Sharm El Sheikh ) ] – Vienna -Morocco - London - Qatar - Austria - Madrid - Paris - Tunisia - Lebanon - Jakarta - Saudi Arabia (Riyadh - Jeddah - Dammam - Al Khobar) - New York - Washington – Switzerland )

As we also implement courses in different fields
(Human resources - secretarial - law - statistics - public relations - leadership and management - engineering - petroleum engineering - environmental engineering - quality and production - food safety - purchasing and warehouses - marketing, sales and customer service - finance and accounting - media - social services - security, safety and occupational health ) and other specialized courses

For more information contact
Ruwan Sami
Marketing Coordinator
Int'l Training & Consultation Center
Mobile: 00201010509827
Email: ruwan@itcegy.com
Website: www.itcegy.com


الموضوع الأصلي : PUMPS & PUMPING SYSTEMS OPTIMIZATION course     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : Ruwan sami

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