مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

sauditk عضو فعال

We see the touch screen technology almost everywhere such as touch screen computers, tabs and mobile phones. Although touch screen devices seem to be normal in today's world, it is not something that completely phased-out its predecessors such as mobile phones with actual keypads and the typical desktop computer with keyboards and a mouse. The reason behind this is there are still a lot of people who cannot adjust to the touch screen technology and prefer to have the normal mobile phones or computers. So, one cannot help but ask, in terms of POS Software, is it really necessary to upgrade in a Touch Screen EPOS? Or is this merely just for looks and an unnecessary expense?

For those who are contemplating this question, this might shed a light on this dilemma. Before anything else, we cannot compare the upgrade that a touch screen EPOS can bring to touch mobile phones and computers because the benefits are different.

MAXHUB Digital Signage ND43PNC

For one, in the business industry especially in retail, efficiency is important. If you compare the typical POS system to a touch EPOS, the latter is definitely more efficient. The initial thing that you would notice is that the touch screen POS eliminates two things: the keyboard and the mouse. Taking these out gives your counter more space and also gives your personnel more focus. Your personnel no longer need to juggle handling 3 things at a time. He or she can devote all of his or her attention to 1 thing which is the touch screen. Everything is on screen organized in user-friendly interface and widgets. All your personnel would need is a touch of a finger and they can do various things on screen. The technology is also smart as it detects when there is a need for the keyboard and numeric keypad. When these are needed, it automatically pops up and disappears when no longer needed. With only 1 thing to manage, transactions and task become simpler, easier and faster.

Two, the touch EPOS also saves you a lot of time in training new personnel. Since the interface is very simple and user-friendly, it would just take at least 5 minutes for someone to understand how the software works. It doesn't matter if it's a first time POS user or not. You wouldn't need to look for specific programs in folders in order to perform tasks because as previously mentioned, the touch EPOS has everything on screen, arranged in an orderly manner using easy to understand widgets. Your personnel do not need to be a good typist as well because to type, only a single finger is needed. Just imagine how much time you can save on training your personnel. Training does not need to interrupt your operations anymore because in just minutes, you can leave your personnel


الموضوع الأصلي : MAXHUB Digital Signage ND43PNC     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : sauditk

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