مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

hagarsadek17 عضو مميز

Silva New Zayed Compound is one of the latest and most important residential projects that were launched by First Group Developments in The Green Belt area, as innovative engineering designs, high-end residential units with various areas, and affordable prices are available.

The location of Silva New Zayed Compound

Silva New Zayed Compound is located in Sheikh Zayed City, specifically in the new expansions which are called New Zayed, which is close to:

  • Sphinx International Airport
  • Mall of Arabia and Dandy Mall
  • 6th of October City
  • Nile University and The British School
  • Al Dabaa and 26 July Axes
  • Cairo-Alexandria Road


الموضوع الأصلي : New Zayed's Most popular compound     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : hagarsadek17

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