مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

سلمي ياسين عضو مميز

Repeating is the best way to memorize Quran effectively.

Memorizing is usually more straightforward if you understand what you are attempting to learn.

The Best way to memorize QuranThe most important question comes here: What are the other best ways to memorize the Qur’an that make this process easier?

The best ways to memorize the Qur’an directly are in the following paragraphs:
Practice is necessary for memorization
By starting with the last short sura.

You may teach your brain to memorize the long suras after that.

It’s best to choose a Muqri’ that you enjoy.
The Sabil Al-Quran offers you a wide choice of readers; choose the one you prefer among them.

With the headphones on, read along with him as he recites.

You will improve your pronunciation and learn tajweed without really knowing it.


الموضوع الأصلي : best way to memorize Quran     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : سلمي ياسين

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