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On the other hand things EA has highlighted in the pre-release, such as collision physics FUT 23 Coins and deflections appear and feel similar to last year. While the weight of players has increased for the better however, players continue to collide with each other and can result in unrealistic collisions, especially considering the tendency to keep your fingers firmly positioned over the sprint button.
The new deflections that are produced by the extended leg or foot can only be seen in replays, and replays I've seen these shots particularly the power version -- would cause some painful injuries. Deflections and 50-50s will always favor the AI especially as you get used for the new body models and what they mean for acceleration.

HyperMotion, realistic physics and HyperMotion just don't work. There's still way too much moving and sliding that hinder the realistic results. Sliders such as OS' Community Sliders help slow the game down and make the game more realistic, but they are only able to do only so much in terms of the physics.

In today's deep dive, I'll examine the new gameplay features that are available for players in FIFA 23 to share my opinions on which will have an impact on game, what impacts (negative positively or negatively) they've had in terms of their impact, and if there's room to improve. For a list of all the new options, we'll simply refer to the EA FIFA 23 site. For rating FIFA 23 we'll make use of the simple 1-5 scale, with 5 being a "great improvement" as well as 1 representing "why did EA bother to include this feature?" If you want to read my thoughts of FIFA 23, you can go here.

First on the agenda today is the newly released Power Shot. This new shot type relies heavily on skill , and incorporates the concept of risk/reward that lets users unleash powerful shot on your opponent's goal.How to perform the Power Shot: L1/LB1 plus and shoot while manually aiming

When to use Power Shots because of the fact that the animation takes quite a long time to develop Power shots should only be used when you have enough time and space to execute the command. Typically, any power shot that is attempted within the 18-yard limit will be stopped if the path isn't well-defined as the trajectory is usually more flat when compared to more precise shots.

Kudos for EA for providing us with an entirely new shooting option and especially one that includes manual aiming. It's also a good thing to turn off the incessant zoom-in feature that is activated in the event that the powershot is triggered. Overall, this is a nice addition to shooting.

Set pieces have gotten boring in FIFA over the years. Although free kicks remain uncommon for me, when you do buying FIFA 23 Coins get one, they're much more exciting. In addition, penalties have been simplified to make it easier. In addition, corners haven't just copied the same mechanics as set pieces but also come with a new camera view.


الموضوع الأصلي : Mmoexp FUT 23:Another feature I wanted to test in-person     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : wangyue36612

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