مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

خالد نجم عضو مميز

The Waterway Resort North Coast

Own The Best Residential Units In The Most Luxurious Tourist Resorts On North Coast, Where The Waterway Resort North Coast

The Waterway Resort is one of the best tourist resorts located in the heart of North Coast, the most prestigious and luxurious area. As it is a wonderful summer destination in all seasons of the year. It is the latest launch of Equity development, a leading investment and real estate Development Company, and one of the well-known El Sewedy companies.

The Resort is marked by overlooking the best coasts of the Mediterranean Sea with crystal waters and a wonderful climate. Besides, it was designed to make a community boom in the waterway north coast project through its innovative and luxurious designs. The company also offers the best prices for the units to make it easier for clients to own them easily and effortlessly.

The Location Of Waterway North Coast Resort
Equity company one of El Sewedy Group has been keen on establishing The Waterway project in a strategic location so that it is close to the most important roads and main axes that help you move from one place to another easily, for being close to the most important institutions.

The Features Of Waterway North Coast:
The Waterway project is located at kilo 186 in Sidi Abdel Rahman, close to Ras Al-Hikma which is one of the most three famous beaches in the world.
Waterway is only a 20-minute drive from New Alamein City.
You can get from the resort to Alexandria airport in just 90 minutes.
The resort is approximately 60 minutes away from Burj Al Arab.
The resort has the best vital locations, which made it an attraction for investors and clients who are looking for such a place.


الموضوع الأصلي : The Waterway Resort North Coast     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : خالد نجم

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